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Friday, 16 May 2014

This why male gamers like using female character - Like tits or ass.?


When male gamers play a female character in an online game, that often they are changing the way to communicate with others to fit the stereotype - but the way they move, their masculinity issues. In a recent study published in Information, Communication and Society , scientists create custom quest in World of Warcraft. Then they scored 375 players WoW, broke into groups and sent to fulfill the quest. A quest takes an average of one and a half hours, with all the movements and conversations were recorded.
The researchers found that men were three times more likely to choose avatars of the opposite sex than women (23% vs. 7%). At the same time, by selecting the female characters, mostly men prefer attractive avatars with traditional style hairstyles. At the same time, how they communicate with other players also changes closer to communicate as real girls: these men use more emotional phrases and exclamation marks than those who do not change sex. In other words, these gamers create avatars stereotypical female character - a beautiful and emotional.

And although gamers to change their sex avatar can pretty well mimic girls in a conversation, they go they have not obtained. Researchers found that men were moving differently than women. Men often moving backwards, staying away from groups and jump twice as often as women. Simply put, even changing his avatar sex, men do not change the typical type of movement. So if you are trying to find out who is the Night Elf in reality - a guy or girl, just look at her movements. This is due to the fact that the movement unconsciously more than chat, so it's easier to forget about the floor for what you play.

Interestingly, according to study author - Marty Rose of the University of Colorado, the fact that the players choose not women in order to pretend to be girls.

In fact, the answer is simple - ass. As players see their avatars from the back 95% of the time, some gamers would rather look at a character Woman 20 + hours per week. Simply put, it all comes down to the fact that when choosing a floor avatra gamers choose female only from an aesthetic point of view. In this case, the characteristics and features of chatting soon become a habit occurring over time, and they have no intention to pretend girlfriend.

Via: TanDFOnline


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