Wow, that's news! Only that there was an official information, at what frequency and in what resolution will work Watch Dogs on next-generation consoles. You thought next-gen is 4K? And here and there.
Resolution - it's just a figure, as well as the frame rate," says creative director Jonathan Morin. "All these figures are important aspects in the development of games, but you have to choose if you want to achieve planned results.
In our case, the dynamics - that's all. Study and the expression itself - it is important. Important to have a stable frame rate and maintain the momentum as the basis of gameplay. Same goes for permission.
People look at the corridor shooters like where all the effects and features are up and running at full, while forgetting that when applied on a global level within a virtual city where cars go about their business, and they themselves get into an accident where players fall seamlessly into your game and start hacking - what about any dynamics can be forgotten.
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